Interaction of NGOs, the government and international organizations in the field of protection of children’s rights. Following the results of the seminar in Svetlogorsk

24 September 2021

From 14 May to 16 May, a seminar for representatives of non-governmental organizations was held in the city of Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region. This is another event of the project “Different children — equal rights!”, which NGO “Man and Law” implements together with the German organization “Pro NGO! ” with the support of the European Union.


Public campaigns


The project “Different children — equal rights!” is part of a public campaign aimed at protecting the rights of the child. During the seminars (and there have already been several of them), employees of the organization “Man and Law” and invited experts share their experience in protecting children’s rights and conduct joint practical work.

During the seminar in Svetlogorsk, the participants discussed how public campaigns are conducted in the interests of children’s rights, and received a presentation with details.

Main methods: publications in the media and blogs, press conferences, writing letters and appeals, organizing rallies, pickets, boycotts and strikes, as well as attracting celebrities.

“The most useful blocks for me were advocacy, a review of international mechanisms, the main tools of protection. The principles of the work of NGOs and interaction with the authorities, which always baffles me, will be very useful. I would like to note the high level of organization and care for the participants of the seminar.”

Natalia Voznesenskaya

Human Rights Project “Woman. Prison. Society”, St. Petersburg

Interactive 3D modeling

In this case, 3D modeling does not mean cartoons made on a computer, but the calculation of scenarios on the layout using figures and icons. This technique allows you to “try on” certain life situations and imagine how certain solutions will work in a particular case.

Interaction of NGOs with subjects of protection of children’s rights

“Creating a coalition is an approach of successful interaction, which I understood and felt during the seminar. I believe that it is a new creative approach to work that is the valuable and unique thing that I acquired by participating in the seminar,” one of the participants of the seminar believes.

We talk about the interaction of non-profit organizations with each other, other organizations and government bodies at every seminar, because a big thing cannot be done alone, especially something as big as a public campaign.

At this seminar, the topic of interaction with the subjects of the protection of the rights of the child also became one of the key ones.

The subjects of the protection of children’s rights are the Commissioner for Children’s Rights, the prosecutor’s office, the Public Chambers of the regions, deputies and political parties, guardianship authorities, the court and the media.

“The most useful for me were international documents and schemes of interaction with the authorities.”


Alexandra Danilova

Charity organization “Step towards”

Principles of work for the protection of the rights of the child

In the course of work on the protection of the rights of the child, several principles must be observed. The most important of them, as in medicine: do no harm. Everything is done in the best interests of the child.

Another principle is partnership with the authorities. One of the goals of public campaigns is to influence political decisions and laws concerning the protected group, in this case, children. This is not possible without interaction with the authorities. It is important to focus on combining forces and resources and find the right language of communication with both supporters and opponents.

The participants of the seminar responded positively about it in general, adding that it is possible to increase the amount of practical work.

“The degree of usefulness of the information could be enhanced by linking it to specific cases, which, of course, would help participants to use the acquired knowledge more actively.”


Karina Vartanova


Charitable Foundation “Children’s palliative”, Moscow

“Everything was interesting and useful for practical application in work. I managed to feel how my colleagues live in other cities.”


Elena Radzyvilyuk


Charity Fund of the Kaliningrad region “Coast of Hope”

“The organizers forced us to think, to work, we shared our knowledge.”


Liya Tukaeva


Youth environmental movement “Ecoproftech”, Udmurtia

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